In the restaurant we serve variety of specialties from the Asian continent, primarily from China. These specialties are prepared by a Chinese professional top chef with their expert team. Skillfully prepared dishes are characterized by the variety of colors and flavors - from succulent to reddish, salty, sour-spicy, mild and sweet. A lot of vegetables, less amount of meat, quick thermal treatment and the skill of meals combining will make this kitchen favorite all around the world. The restaurant capacity is around 60 seats. If guests prefer intimate moments they can choose to taste these dishes in one of 3 booths. In the coffee bar, we serve a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
我们餐厅提供各种特色亚洲菜肴,主要是中餐。 这些特色菜肴由中国专业顶级厨师准备,深受来自世界各地游客的喜爱。 餐厅分为两层,共有4个包厢和各种中式圆桌以及方桌,共有近三百个座位,适合各种类型的餐饮接待。我们还有独立的咖啡吧,提供各种饮品、水果盘、冰淇淋、酒精饮品,为您带来顶级的味觉感受。